

Direct from the official producer

Filming of the airshows is one of the services provided for the Shuttleworth Trust. Filming is primarily to show height and display distance along with display content as a reference for the FDD, the Chief Pilot and the Shuttleworth pilots and visiting pilots as a debrief tool. The footage is then edited for highlights for all to enjoy with proceeds going to the help the upkeep of the Collection aircraft. 

A video review of each airshow preceeds the display and no additional commentary is added so that you can enjoy the sight and sound of these wonderful historic aircraft.

All of the Shuttleworth Airshows are available to stream in full HD for a 72 hour period on the Vimeo on demand portal for £2.50. Use the following link and search Shuttleworth: 

Alternatively if you would like DVD and Blu-ray discs please search Airshows at Old Warden by using the drop down menu. Payment is by Paypal and upon receipt your disc will be posted first class. 

Most of the titles are also available direct from the Shuttleworth Collection shop at Old Warden Aerodrome.

Blu-ray v DVD

The extra resolution makes Blu-ray look sharper, more detailed and more realistic. There is also a marked increase in audio quality, so important when listening to those Merlin engines! All of our filming has been in Broadcast FHD and from 2020 the Shuttleworth Airshows will be filmed in Broadcast 4k. So as well as experiencing the benefits, future proof your disc collection by purchasing Blu-ray versions of the airshows. Don’t have a Blu-ray player? We would strongly recommend you invest in one - these are backwards - compatible and can also play DVD’s. Although the cost of a Blu-ray player was prohibitive for many when they first launched they now start at around £50. The differential in cost of Blu-ray discs and DVD’s in he Shuttleworth Airshow series is kept to a minimum to help you make the change.   

 © HDVSMedia 2021